BSLB 7Kw 51.2V - 135Ah CANBUS Lithium Battery
Currently the safest lithium technology
Lithium iron phosphate battery(LiFePO4)
Excellent resistance to abuse
Less than 3% self discharging
BSLBATT® batteries are based on Lithium
iron battery technology (LiFePO4). This is
the safest Lithium technology available
today. On top of that our bespoke casing
and electronics further increase safety
and durability.
BSLBATT's BATTERIES do not contain lead
LiFePO4 technology is an environmentally
friendly way to store energy.
A New Era in Energy Storage
electric vehicle communication system
Uninterrupted Marine application Energy storage system
Power Supply
Floor sweeper
Battery monitoring storage history
Up to 60% weight saving
Built in safety protection
10 Years Warranty
Quality guaranteed
15-18 Years Designed service life
Maintenance-free, modular, and lightweight
150A DC breaker--on/off switch