The US3000C is an HESS solar battery system provided by Pylontech, developed with their own lithium iron phosphate cell to ensure the highest safety value and most promising life cycle. A self designed BMS protects the cell from abormal temperature, current, voltage, SoC and SoH.
The Pylontech US3000C has an incredible DoD of 95%.
You can now register the Pylon US3000C for an additional 3 years of manufacturer warranty for free. Go to and complete the information in the 'sign up battery' page.
Please check battery communication and settings, before connecting grid or PV. A charge voltage over 53.2V will damage the battery.
Please note US2000C and US3000C batteries require different pin out on the communication cable when used with Solis RHI Hybrid inverters. Standard cable used with US2000B and US3000 will not work. Please make sure the correct cable is being used